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The theory of sampling is a generic, matrix-independent framework for representative sampling of all types of aggregate and mixture materials (solid, slurries) in all grain-size brackets (from broken ores to powders).
The universal sampling principles can be applied uniformly to all types of materials, and lots composed by aggregate particular matter and slurries (gasses and liquids are not covered by this document).
This document describes a generic sampling process in sufficient detail and covers all elements necessary and
sufficient for the stated objective enabling documentation of sampling representativity under the specified conditions for the sampling process employed.
This document is based on the theory of sampling (TOS), constituting a complete competence basis for representative sampling, and ensuring appropriate levels of accuracy and precision for both primary sampling as well as for all sub-sampling procedures and mass-reduction systems at the subsequent laboratory stages before analysis.
This document outlines a systematic scientific basis for designing new and improving existing sampling procedures.
This approach will lead to increased reliability for decision-making based on empirical measurement results.
This document establishes a basis enabling professional sampling quality control by mandating disclosure of the result from a relevant sampling quality objective (QO) for:
1) sampling of stationary lots: replication experiment (RE);
2) sampling of dynamic lots: variographic analysis (VA).
This document contains an independent macro with variographic software (freeware) making variographic characterisation available for a set of samples restricted to 100 (see Annex C). Because of this Excel file, this standard is only available in pdf.